Geology Services
Mining Engineering Services
Resource Estimation
Resource estimation is a core competency of the Cube Consulting geology team and forms the backbone of our practice. From undertaking geological interpretation either manually or implicitly (using software such as Leapfrog), through to application of advanced geostatistical modelling techniques, Cube geologists will deliver what you need to have confidence in accessing finance or progressing your project to the next stage. We consider geology in the entire resource process, using the latest technologies available at the appropriate stage.
The resource estimation process includes, but is not limited to,
- Validation of the source data including laboratory assay reports, drilling methods, collar location and downhole survey methods
- Assessing QAQC data
- Reviewing or creating domain interpretation, including the use of Geological Matrix Analysis
- Exploratory data analysis
- Variographic analysis
- Kriging neighbourhood analysis
- Estimation of global and local resources using the most appropriate methodology.
We undertake thorough review of the data and information supplied by our client and offer informed advice to ensure you have confidence in understanding the risks and uncertainty associated with your project resource. This may involve using linear or non-linear techniques, which we will explain clearly with the help of our geostatisticians.
We undertake independent mineral resource estimations suitable for public reporting based on JORC 2012, SAMREC and NI 43-101.
Collaborative process, adding knowledge
At Cube Consulting, we work closely with your team during the resource estimation process to ensure a collaborative result and leave a positive legacy.
Whether we are providing a geological interpretation, resource evaluation or undertaking a statistical analysis, we leverage our depth of resource modelling experience to deliver a quality outcome whilst dealing with geological uncertainty.
The Cube geology team consists of high-end resource and mining geology people. Geostatistical analysis is a key competency of the Cube geology team, with 50% of the Cube geologists having postgraduate qualifications in geostatistics. We have the expertise in-house to solve the most difficult problems, backed by sound scientific principles. That said, a key principle of our group is to ensure that geology is considered in the entire resource process.
We are specialists in single and multi-element analysis, able to offer advice in all aspects from confirming domains and boundary conditions, comparing drill data types, characterising spatial continuity and nugget effect, through to estimation methodology including linear and non-linear techniques. We are often required to review existing geostatistical estimation parameters including composite lengths, top cut strategy, variogram model parameters, estimation block size and estimation method.
Some examples of work conducted by our geostatisticians: we recently conducted a Drill Hole Spacing Analysis for a client in an effort to define quantitative inputs for resource classification and drill hole planning. For another client, we developed a geostatistically sensible domaining strategy for a particular lithological unit and used a simulation methodology to evaluate the risk associated with the interpolation within that unit.
Great science, practical approach
We will undertake a thorough review and offer informed advice to ensure you have confidence in understanding the risks and uncertainty associated with your project resource.
At Cube, we have experience from kriging through to recoverable resource estimation using local uniform conditioning and simulation. Using Isatis, we are able to employ the most advanced techniques to your project, always tempered with our practical approach.
Our team are expert users of Surpac, Datamine, Vulcan, Leapfrog, Isatis and Supervisor products.