Aaron Green

Aaron has more than 30 years experience in mining and resource consultancy businesses

Aaron Green

Aaron has more than 30 years experience in mining and resource consultancy businesses


Aaron is a professional geologist and proven manager with 30 years’ experience in the mining industry. Whilst primarily based in Western Australia, his consulting work has taken him to many countries and regions across the globe.

Aaron’s experience covers roles with small to large mining companies, spanning early-stage, grassroots to brownfields exploration, near mine and resource definition, open pit and underground mining and an extensive consulting career as a resource geologist and manager of almost 20 years. Commodity experience includes gold, silver, base metals (copper, zinc, lead) sulphide nickel, industrial minerals, graphite, lithium and industrial minerals.

Core competencies include project evaluation, resource modelling, due diligence studies, business development, project management, staff management and mentoring.


  • Project evaluation and due diligence
  • Business development
  • Geological modelling
  • Resource definition drill targeting and design
  • Project Management
  • Competent and Qualified Person for a range of commodities and mineralisation styles
  • Mentoring and management

Qualifications and Affiliations

  • Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), 2024
  • Fellow, Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG)
  • Graduate Diploma Applied Finance and Investment, Securities Institute of Australia, 2004
  • Hons (Geology), La Trobe University VIC, 1993

Career Summary

June 2024 to present
- Cube Consulting
Feb 2024 to present
Non Executive Director
- Southern Geoscience Consultants Pty Ltd
2021 - July 2923
Partner, Managing Partner
July 2019 - 2020
Partner, Operations Manager - APAC
- Environmental Resources Management (ERM), CSA
2014 - 2019
Director, Operations Manager - APAC
2013 - 2014
Operations Manager - Australia
- CSA Global Pty Ltd (CSA)
2012 - 2013
Operations Manager- Geology, Australia
- RungePincockMinarco Ltd (RPM Global)
2009 - 2012
Operations Manager - WA Consulting
- Runge Ltd
2008 - 2009
Senior Consultant Geologist
- Runge Ltd
2003 - 2007
Resource Consultant
- Resource Evaluations Pty Ltd
1998 - 2003
Development Geologist - Darlot\Centenary Mine
- Homestake Mining Co\Barrick Gold
1997 - 1998
Acting Senior Geologist - Darlot Gold Mine
- Plutonic Operations
1994 - 1997
Project Geologist
- Plutonic Operations